More evidence of the big shift to mobile in 2013: Affiliate Window, an
affiliate network based in the US and UK, says that sales made via
mobile devices hit an all-time high of 27.09 percent in December.
That's almost double the 14.77 percent that mobile sales accounted for
in January 2013.
In fact, when we last checked in with Affiliate Window in May 2013,
mobile sales were at a then-record of 18 percent. (The company says it's
now using an improved tracking system, and that figure from May has
been revised upward to 19 percent.)
Since May, mobile sales through Affiliate Window's net [...]

When it comes to affiliate marketing, 2013 was quite an interesting
year. Some of the biggest milestones included a record-breaking
e-commerce holiday season, double-digit network growth, and the closing
of the Google Affiliate Network. And let's not forget about
"Cookiegate," which was sparked when Mozilla announced plans for its
Firefox browser to block certain cookies.
As we look back on 2013, we can’t help but make educated guesses on what
the next year will bring. While nobody can predict the future, a closer
look at some of the more recent industry shifts and trends are a good
indic [...]

This week, the Supreme Court declined to hear appeals filed by Amazon
and Overstock.com that challenged the ability of states to collect sales
tax on items sold online by out-of-state retailers.
The appeals stem from New York's passing of what has become known as the
"Amazon Tax," which expands the definition of nexus to include
in-state affiliate marketers. Amazon and Overstock.com claimed the
expanded interpretation of nexus violates Constitutional interstate
commerce law and due process.
The retail giants point to the US Supreme Court's 1992 ruling in favor
of mail-order business Qu [...]

Congratulations! You're now fully entrenched in the holiday shopping
season. Of course, we know the majority of marketing campaigns were
locked down in August (right?), but this doesn't mean you don't have any
wiggle room to make last minute adjustments, especially if you're not
yet seeing the results you anticipated.
One area where you can make small changes and yield big results is in
your Google Product Listing Ads (PLAs), Let's take a closer look at how
you can improve your returns from Google Shopping this holiday season
with the following seven ways to boost PLA results.
1. Ensur [...]

The new Amazon Mobile Associates API allows developers to sell
products available at Amazon from within their apps and games. The API
is an extension of the Amazon's long-standing affiliate program, Amazon
Associates, which launched in 1996.
After initiating the API, developers can select a specific set of
products, search terms when choosing what Amazon-fulfilled products to
sell. Items can be digital or physical. They can opt to sell a single
item from Amazon that ties into the game or app; show a category of
items related to app or game content; or bundle a physical purchase from
Amazo [...]

There's nothing like the August sunshine to bring out a creative spark
to drive your holiday campaigns!
If you're like most e-commerce marketers, chances are good that you're
already knee-deep in end-of-year planning -- and it's also highly likely
that your boss has raised the performance bar yet again. After all, if
the past two years are any indication, we can anticipate another
lucrative e-commerce holiday season. Below are three reasons why.
[caption id="attachment_56575" align="alignright" width="300"] Image via
E-Commerce holiday shopping continues to bre [...]

The Minnesota Star Tribune reported today that Amazon is terminating
all relationships with their Minnesota associates after the state's
Governor Mark Dayton signed the Minnesota E-Fairness legislation.
The new law classifies independent bloggers and online reviewers --
which will include websites that post links to online merchant sites in
exchange for advertising fees -- as a physical presence of a business.
The new legislation will force Amazon to collect taxes not only on any
new sales generated by these websites, but on all sales in Minnesota.
"The tax on online sales is already due [...]

Mobile traffic and sales at affiliate websites hit all-time highs in
May, according to the affiliate network Affiliate Window.
The company shared its May stats this week, which show the increasing
impact of mobile in the affiliate space: more traffic and more sales are
coming from mobile devices than ever before.
Affiliate Windows says it's recorded more mobile sales so far in 2013
than it did in the first 11 months of 2012. In May, there was a record
of 572 sales per hour via mobile devices.
Across its network, 18.16 percent of all sales in May were mobile.
That's up from 16.48 perce [...]
[caption id="attachment_47842" align="alignright" width="279"] Image
via shutterstock[/caption]
Take a look around any marketing department today, and you’re likely to
find clusters of marketers responsible for various functions such as
display, targeting, search, and the affiliate channel.
On the one hand, this allows you to cultivate teams with deep expertise
in their areas of specialization. On the other hand, it creates silos
that limit your ability to see the full scope of the customer’s journey.
For example, your back-to-school campaign may be a full-on marketing
push throug [...]

In an interview with Roanoke, VA NBC affiliate WSLS10, Representative
Bob Goodlatte says it's unlikely the Marketplace Fairness Act will pass
in the House. The act would require online businesses to collect sales
tax even in states where they don't have a physical presence.
The Republican Congressman from Virginia said the bill, which already
passed in the Senate, is unfair to consumers and that states should
come to an agreement that leaves Congress out of the process. Admitting
that's unlikely to happen, Goodlatte said House Republicans are working
on their own version of the bill.

Like many other Internet marketers, one of the first things I do each
day is check my Amazon Associates account to see how much I earned the
day before. I also check to see how many and what products were ordered
the day before, knowing that I will earn my commission on them once they
are shipped. It's just a routine of mine and, as I said before, is
likely common for others that promote Amazon products.
However, about once a week or so, I really dig into the reports in my
Associates Account. While most people are aware that they can see how
much a tracking ID earned for any specific time f [...]
The topic of affiliate network migration is at the top of the agenda
for a lot of advertisers these days. Whether a transition is driven by
the urgency around the closing of the Google Affiliate Network, or
you've bandied about the idea of switching networks for some time,
moving to a new network requires thoughtful, strategic planning.
Otherwise, you may find yourself hopping across different networks while
you disrupt your brand, sales and publisher relationships.
Below are five key considerations when it comes to selecting a new
network followed by a seven-step migration plan.
5 Questio [...]

With the announcement of Google Affiliate Network closing its doors in
July, many retailers are being forced to find new alternatives for
their affiliate advertising programs during the coming weeks.
While such a major task may not be at the top of any marketers favorite
things-to-do list, the move could result in improved numbers for
retailers using GAN that have put off migrating to a new network. After
speaking with two former GAN clients, both reported significant
increases in their affiliate advertising revenue since migrating from
One Retailer's Story
Matt Khalili, a marketi [...]

If passed by the House, the Marketplace Fairness Act, which aims to
level the playing field between online retailers
and brick-and-mortar businesses, could go into effect as soon as this
fall. As it stands now, the bill would require remote sellers, including
online businesses, with gross receipts over $1 million to collect sales
tax in qualifying states -- even in states where a business has no
physical presence.
There is a high level of industry debate over the bill, with e-tailers
on either side of the issue. Will it be the panacea proponents claim,
making sales tax collection fa [...]

Business Insider has an interesting and in-depth article about the
ongoing legal cases that could land eBay's two biggest affiliates in
jail soon on charges of wire fraud.
If you've been in the online marketing industry for a while, you may
recognize the names Shawn Hogan and Brian Dunning. They're the two
affiliates that eBay and the FBI started pursuing in 2006 after
suspecting that they were earning millions while violating eBay's
affiliate terms of service.
According to court documents, Hogan made an astounding $28 million in
affiliate commissions from eBay, and Dunning made $7 milli [...]

Finding images for your WordPress site can be a challenge. Of course,
you could take the pictures yourself -- but if you run multiple sites,
that could prove exhausting. I have recently started using a WordPress
plugin that makes it very easy to find creative commons images and
credit them properly right from inside my blog.
The plugin is called PhotoDropper -- and I am loving it!
PhotoDropper has over 62 million free images that blog owners can access
and insert right from their WordPress dashboard. They also have a
premium tier that offers more professional photos on a pay-by-the-photo
As the second biggest shopping season behind the winter holidays,
more than $18 billion is spent annually on Mother’s Day gifts in the
United States.
Of that, 25 percent is attributed to purchases made online. This
represents a steady increase over the years when you consider that in
2011, 21 percent of Mother’s Day purchases were made online.
While most purchases are made during the five days leading up to
Mother’s Day, the most successful affiliate marketing plans are set into
motion weeks in advance. So, to help you make the most of the upcoming
Mother’s Day shopping season, h [...]

Google announced it is retiring their Affiliate Network to focus on
other products. According to a statement on the Google Affiliate Network
blog, the company stated that it will continue to support customers as
they "wind down" the product over the next few months.
Indirectly blaming the rapid evolution of CPA marketing and their
investment in other CPA tools like Product Listing Ads (PLAs),
remarketing and Conversion Optimizer, Google emphasized their commitment
to products that will have the biggest impact for advertisers and
In response to retiring the Affiliate ad progra [...]

Build it and they will come, right? Unfortunately, when it comes to
starting a new blog, that is simply not true.
I see many new blog owners become hyper-focused on getting Google to
send them masses of traffic through SEO. And, while Google traffic is
great and should not be ignored, focusing all your energy on SEO could
be a recipe for disaster.
In order to really build up traffic and a blog following, it's important
to get off your blog and get out to places where your target market can
find you. I don't care what the sales pages and "gurus" say -- there is
no software or "loophole" t [...]
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